Sunday, July 18, 2004

What does it mean to be?

The last couple of weeks have had me wondering: What does it mean to be a Republican or to be a Democrat? For years, I've been a staunch Independent (I think, among other things, that means you will not find a mainstream, nation-wide website which accurately pegs me); I've been an Independent for as long as I could vote, casting my first votes in a Presidential election for John Anderson.  That Independent streak ran to other things in my youth, also:  I didn't join a fraternity or Greek organization in college, preferring the "independent" label.  I still wear it proudly.
But, I've also come to realize that for the most part, the United States political system, for better or worse, is a two party system.  And that's not likely to change in the very near future.
So, I look around and I ask myself:  What am I like?  What's important to me?  What are my values?  Sure, I guess I'm in favor of capitalism, but I'm also in favor of taking care of my neighbors and good health care for all and excellent education for our children (education which isn't measured by biased tests).
And then, I wonder, which party is in my corner.  Click through to the national party websites, and tell me what you think.  The Democratic site is fairly positive with upbeat postings about the possibility for the future, and a platform which is one which all of us who believe in the America can get behind.  The Republican website is, well, damn negative; it's mostly about what they are against, not what they are for.
Now, why do I raise this?  Well, several weeks ago, I heard the Chief of Naval Operations talk.  As I noted in my personal blog, Tidewater Musings, one of his points was this: 
Everyone, especially leaders, must come to grips with this question: What is it you believe? We must not be against but for something. What are you for and how do you translate that into something you can deliver?
I think this is important in the race in Florida's 18th District for this reason:  Dave Patlak is for things, not standing against things.  He is a postive force, a force which will represent the 18th District with grace and wit and determination and honesty and integrity.
And what is clear is that his campaign exceeds partisanship; he has Democrats and Republicans and Independents and Greens and whomever else in his corner.  People understand that Dave has a focus which puts his consituents and America first.  And, they understand that no matter which party they belong to, Dave is the best and right choice.
Please do more than read this blog.  Please get out and help Dave, and America, in any way you can.  ContributeVolunteerJoin this blog and post your thoughts.  Let's send Dave Patlak to the United States House of Representatives, representing the great citizens of the 18th Congressional District in Florida.


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