Tuesday, June 22, 2004

This is a race of real importance

"Sure," you're thinking, "everybody says their race is important." Well, most people are wrong; this time, however, we're right. This is an important race in a key place in America. This is a race that all of America will look to.

Dave is the ideal candidate. He's strong on national security and homeland defense. He's strong on environmental issues, on education, and on health care. These are issues of paramount importance to the people of South Florida, and America as a whole.

Here's the bad news, however: Dave can't put forth a viable candidacy without support from individual Americans. And that support, sadly, has to be in the form of financial donations. Our system has come down to this.

Last week, I was in Newport, Rhode Island, attending the Naval War College's Current Strategies Forum. While there, I met a slew of folks, many of them connected to the political process. I met Democrats, and I met Republicans. I told each and every one about Dave's run for the House of Representatives, and, to a one, each person made comments about fundraising. It takes money for a successful run in today's political climate. The bad news is it takes money even for an unsuccessful run in today's political climate.

Dave estimates that if 20,000 people each gave $100, he'd be in the ball game. That's about 8% of registered voters in the 18th Congressional District: a drop in the bucket.

But, I suggest this race is so important to America, that we can't rely on the funding just from the good people of the 18th District. No, all of us in America who believe in health care for all, quality education for our children, and a safe America ought to be compelled to financially support Dave's candidacy.

Help take back America: support Dave Patlak for Congress.


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