Thursday, August 26, 2004

The time for action draws near

Greetings fellow Citizens. The time for action draws near. What are you doing about it?

Okay, a bit formal, but the message is clear: time draws nigh. The Primaries are only a couple of days away; while Dave is doing well, this is not a time to slack off. He (and, I would suggest, our country) needs you to act. What are you doing to help Dave's candidacy? Have you talked to your neighbors? Have you spread the word? Have you donated funds?

We all need to do something. And, if your situation is anything like mine, we all can be doing more.

These are trying times, all across the Country. While the political stew continues to simmer -- and will likely reach a boiling point in late October -- we need to remember a couple of things.

  • First, free speech is a fundamental right. For others. And for me. And for you. Exercise it.

  • Second, one of the things that makes this country great is the fact that we can disagree (even strongly disagree) and still roll up our sleeves and work together, side by side, when we need to.
Many years ago at my boyhood church, we installed a stained glass window over the altar. The stained glass was made by an artist who had done work throughout Africa. The work he did in Africa was as service instead of serving in the military in Vietnam. He didn't dodge the draft; he didn't serve as a National Guardsman; he didn't move to Canada. Instead, he took alternative service and worked in Africa, not only doing stained glass, but helping build communities. A physical labor for more than seven year. Anyway, he did the stained glass for our church. And, when he came to install the glass, he needed assistance. And the man who stood on the ladder on the other side of the wall helping with the installation was a retired Army colonel, who had served in Vietnam. The two of them worked for a nearly a week installing the glass. Two men with different notions of policy, but both with a shared vision of what the world was supposed to be. And both men acting on that vision.

We must make America a better place, for all citizens. Part of that action is electing leaders who share our values, share our vision, and share our desire for right action.

Dave Patlak is, in my book, a leader who we need to send to Washington. His values, his vision, and his desire demonstrate responsibility to all Americans.

Join me helping sent Dave Patlak to Congress. Get out and act; get out and do; get out.


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